They’re definitely giants

I think I mentioned (but I might be wrong) that I was going to a They Might Be Giants concert in London not too long ago. Well, approx a week ago my friends, Hanne and Speham, and myself packet our bags and flew to Gatwick, and then took a two hour long bus drive to […]

You know what?

I have noticed the remarkable amount of absent likes on my London posts, and I can only assume it’s because you’re jealous. I have therefore decided to plainly ask you if you’re even interested in reading about it or if I should just drop the entire thing. Personally I could care less about them, although […]

London, day 2 (10.08.2012)

Before I start telling you about the second day of my trip, I just forgot to tell you about the other stuff we bought the first day. I think I’ve mentioned that I’m a ska fan before. Consider this as proof (or not). The man we bought our Dr. Martens from told us about this […]

London, day 1 (09.08.2012)

The day started at my dad’s house (which was a mess considering we’re moving). He was playing a new online ARG (alternate reality gaming) called “Secret World” which is basically a British “what would the world be like if all the myths in the world were real?” game. It was pretty cool. I slept for […]

Let’s just pretend…

… that my last post wasn’t my official goodbye. I’ve got a few minutes right now to give you a proper one. I don’t even think my last post did a very good job explaining really how much I am looking forward to this. I honestly find myself jumping up and down, making a high-pitched, […]