
… is the name of my best friend if it was to be translated to English, which isn’t necessary, because it’s a name. Her name is Solveig and today she came to visit me. “How extremely interesting” you might say with a sarcastic tone, but as a matter of fact it is. She joined the […]

I need to talk about Kevin

So except for a lot of working there really haven’t been a lot going on. But obviously I haven’t been completely isolated from the world. I managed to get myself to Oslo and meet a friend I haven’t seen since… ever. I’ve been talking with a guy named Kevin over the Internet for at least […]

Reliving the “old days”

A few days ago, as we all know, it was the anniversary of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins‘ birthday; september 22nd. Now, at my old school there appears to be a lot of Tolkien fans as I was invited back to my school of 13 years to celebrate their birthday. For that occasion some of the […]

London, day 2 (10.08.2012)

Before I start telling you about the second day of my trip, I just forgot to tell you about the other stuff we bought the first day. I think I’ve mentioned that I’m a ska fan before. Consider this as proof (or not). The man we bought our Dr. Martens from told us about this […]


This is going incredibly slow. There’s been some personal set backs (that I don’t intend to go into detail about) and a lot of tiring work days in my life recently, but now it seems to tone down a little. I do have some good reasons to not write about my trip yet (although I’ve […]