I need to talk about Kevin

So except for a lot of working there really haven’t been a lot going on. But obviously I haven’t been completely isolated from the world. I managed to get myself to Oslo and meet a friend I haven’t seen since… ever. I’ve been talking with a guy named Kevin over the Internet for at least […]

London, day 2 (10.08.2012)

Before I start telling you about the second day of my trip, I just forgot to tell you about the other stuff we bought the first day. I think I’ve mentioned that I’m a ska fan before. Consider this as proof (or not). The man we bought our Dr. Martens from told us about this […]


So I’ve been spending an eternity to figure out how my theme should look like. I want it to look somewhat like my norwegian blog, or something like it.. I don’t want it to look so serious. Not that my norwegian blog looks serious. But all the themes here do. I’m having a hard time […]